



Advances in technology slowly, almost imperceptibly, make our lives and businessess better. Other advances in technology thrust on us entirely new possibilities for how people interact and work. We are in a moment where artificial intelligence, connected networks of data and analytics, ubiquity of hardware and connectivity, and a saturation point for mobility in the workforce are combining to open up uncharted territory in user experience design.

ProjectMAX is the codename for an exploration of that uncharted territory. It represents three emerging advancements that are converging to open up new opportunities in design and development: 

  • Conversational interaction with a digital advisor
  • A dynamic and context-aware interface driven by machine learning
  • Aggregating and presenting data from CloudSuites and third party networks

My Role
Facilitation of design thinking workshop, Design concepts, Design direction 


session screens

Users can view more information about events and business objects by navigating to a session in a sort of “Now Playing” view. The session opens a temporary layer over the home screen, and can be minimized to enable multi-tasking within the application, or dismissed. In either case, the home screen is always there, one tap away with fresh, relevant content.


elegantly simple Navigation

The navigation pattern we followed is elegant in its simplicity. Users can navigate vertically within the context of an object or horizontally across related objects. Users can minimize an active session to return to the home screen or jump to the assistant interaction without closing the active session.


Where we see the real uncharted territory, however, is to elevate the user experience from consumption to collaboration. In consumption models of interaction, there are things people can see, learn and do. Making this an intelligent tool for consumption is significant and very useful in its own right. Moving beyond a consumption model to a collaboration model creates a new type of relationship between people and machines. 

No longer do people need to search; they simply ask. No longer do people need to identify the proper location in an application to see what they want to know or accomplish tasks; information is delivered upon request or in anticipation of their needs.

Our exploration led us to a very simple model that includes both modes of interaction: consumption and collaboration. Users can consume information at various levels of detail, but can also voice their questions, receive recommendations, and make requests for Coleman to take action, intelligently.



The home screen delivers relevant content for the user’s consumption; dynamically presenting contextual information, in order of relevance to what the user needs. In this prototype, designed for sales representatives, we present upcoming appointments, key performance data, tasks, and other notifications on cards that are easy to comprehend at-a-glance. Each card can present many distinct views to give deep insight while enabling a user to remain at a surface level.

Through the course of the project, we explored several different variations for navigating across content. iterating together, we challenged each other to arrive at something everyone was proud of.